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The Difference Between a Pool Swim & Open Water

Heat of the water

Depending on the month you swim, the nation, and the body of water, it can change in open water. For instance, in the water in the UK, the average temperature will not get above 18 degrees Celsius during the summer, with August and early September traditionally being the hottest months.

In a lake, the temperature may rise to 22 degrees depending on its size and the amount of sun exposure. In contrast, a heated indoor athletic facility’s pool typically stays between 28 and 30 degrees across the world.

Ambient temperature

Of course, the weather and other factors can affect the outside temperature. For instance, contrast swimming in a pool that is consistently warm (30–32 degrees) with swimming in the rain and high winds.

Your physical ability to swim comfortably might be severely impacted by the cold air and water outdoors. Additionally, it may make it harder to breathe, make your arms seem heavier, and interfere with your ability to focus intellectually. The body needs to work harder in the cold, thus swimming in open water will burn more calories than swimming in a pool. There are other additional health advantages, such as:

Health advantages

Scientists have established that submerging yourself in cold water three times a week raises your white blood cell count, which aids in the fight against infection and strengthens your immune system by triggering antibodies and boosting metabolic rate.

Improved circulation – Regular exposure to cold water has been demonstrated to do this because it causes your blood flow to be redirected to your critical organs. Your body is compelled to circulate blood more effectively and efficiently as a result.

Cold water helps prevent heat loss when controlling temperature. In fact, it regulates body temperature by lowering core body temperature.

Depression symptom relief: Cold water has been shown to help in depression symptom relief. A cold dip is anticipated to deliver an excessive amount of electrical impulses from nerve endings to the brain, which can have an anti-depressive impact, due to the high density of cold water receptors in the skin.

Healthy skin and hair: Unlike warm, chemically treated pool water, which dries out your skin, cold water helps to shut the pores. Additionally, low temperatures close the hair cuticles, strengthening them, which is beneficial for your hair.

No chemicals: chlorine primarily enters the body by breathing and irritates the skin. Many swimmers in the pool have a cough or sore throat during and after a training session. Swimmers in open water are able to take deep breaths of the surrounding air.

Energy boosting effects of cold water include nerve endings standing up and an increase in heart rate. One of the best methods to give oneself a natural high is to do this.

Reduce pain : reduces acute and chronic pain, inflammation, and body aches; balances the neurological system; enhances renal function; and generally improves circulation.


The water depth in the pool is normal. The shallow and deep ends of most pools are marked with signage that shows the water depth. Such regularity doesn’t exist outside. Although signs occasionally warn of deep water, shallow water is frequently more dangerous for swimmers. When swimming outside, always use caution and abstain from diving or jumping in unless you are very confident the water is deep enough and there are no additional hazards. The depth of the water doesn’t really matter once you are submerged; swimming is unaffected by it. Swimming in extremely deep water, however, can be unsettling mentally and requires some getting accustomed to. Also keep in mind that there aren’t any nearby walls you can quickly reach and grab onto. When swimming outside, this is one of the things that offers you a wonderful sense of freedom, but you must handle the hazards that are involved.


The water in pools doesn’t move all that much, and certainly not in a perilous fashion, unless you’re in one of those odd pools with flumes and whirlpools. Open water, on the other hand, can move more quickly than anyone can swim. You must be aware of what’s going on in whatever body of water you swim in order to stay safe.

Rivers first, please. If the water is moving quickly, it is frequently clear, but it can be challenging to determine just how quickly and what it means for swimming. Fast-moving rivers can be safely navigated by swimmers with adequate planning, but this is better left to seasoned divers. If you’re just starting out in outdoor swimming, it’s recommended to stick to slow-moving rivers (where the flow is less than your swimming pace) and always start swimming upstream if you want to exit the water in the same spot you entered. If not, consider doing a one-way swim, but be absolutely certain of your exit point and how you will recognize it from the water. Be aware that after a lot of rain or if a dam controls the flow, some rivers can change their course extremely quickly.

Although lake water flows are often benign, be aware of inflowing rivers and outflows.

The sea requires the utmost respect because it is completely different from land. Before swimming anywhere other than a life guarded beach, it is highly recommended that you consult a seasoned swimmer with local expertise. Both rip currents and lateral displacement along the shoreline are potential hazards.

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