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Running for Beginners: How to Get Started

Getting Going

Start slowly and build up your mileage if you’re new to running or returning after a long absence to prevent injury. Here are some pointers to help you off to a good start.

Obtain a medical opinion

Before beginning a running program, consult your doctor if you haven’t moved for more than a year. While your doctor will probably be supportive of your new exercise habit, they might also provide some guidance and safety tips.

Ask if there are any specific rules you need adhere to if you’ve had an injury, take medicine, or manage a medical condition. People with type 1 diabetes, for instance, may want to carry a snack in case their blood sugar levels decrease. 2 Some blood pressure drugs may require the use of a heart rate monitor to track intensity.

Purchase equipment and shoes

Put on a pair of running shoes that feel good on your feet and are the right style for your running gait. To get fitted for the ideal running shoes, go to a dedicated running store.

While there, you might want to look at technical clothing like shirts, or running shorts made of thin wicking fibers. These clothes are not required for jogging, but they do keep you dry and comfortable while you exercise.

Stay Secure

Take cautious action to protect your body and prevent injuries. Perform a warm-up exercise before you begin running. Before stepping up your pace, take five to ten minutes to stroll or jog easily. Additionally, you might include warm-up exercises like dynamic stretches or jogging drills.

Second, adhere to safety guidelines for running, such as running against the flow of traffic when on a road. When you go for a run, you should always keep an ID on you so that, in the unusual event of an accident, you may be easily identified.

Use the Run/Walk Approach.

Starting your running program by alternating running and walking intervals is a good idea. This is the simplest technique for many beginning runners to develop endurance with minimal strain on the joints and a moderate effort level.

Start by alternating one-minute runs with one-minute walks, and then strive to lengthen the running segments. Reduce the amount of walking as you get more at ease.

Reduce the difficulty.

Although your first few runs may be difficult, they shouldn’t be so difficult that you never want to run again. Maintain a relaxed, conversational pace throughout each workout. Slow down if you have trouble speaking in whole phrases.

To acquire the maximum oxygen, breathe via your mouth and nose. To prevent cramping or side stitches, try deep belly breathing.

Afterward, do some little stretching to prevent stiff muscles.

When starting a new jogging regimen, focus more on consistency than on distance or pace. To develop a regular running habit, create a weekly running program.

Correct Form

Although running is a natural motion, you may still refine several parts of your running form to enhance your performance. Your running efficiency can increase if you use proper form.

By focusing on and adjusting various aspects of your running mechanics, you may learn to conserve energy, increase your pace, go farther, and lower your risk of injury. There are some fundamental form guidelines to follow.

Maintain proper posture

Maintain a straight posture. Make sure you’re not bending at the waist forward or backward (which some runners do as they get tired).

Keep your shoulder position in mind, especially as you run farther distances. They might begin to slouch. Too much forward shoulder roundness tends to constrict the chest and limit respiration. Looking ahead is beneficial.

Your hand should be in a position where it is moving back and forth such that it almost touches your hip.

Maintain the most tranquil posture with your hands. Avoid clenching your hands into fists as this can cause tension in your arms, shoulders, and neck. Instead, gently cup your hands or allow them to relax.

Adequate hydration

Whether it’s cold outside or hot, you need to drink water before, during, and after your runs. You should monitor your degree of thirst while jogging and take a drink whenever you feel it.

During your runs, you might want to consume four to six ounces of liquid every 20 minutes. Drink six to eight ounces every 20 minutes if you’re running faster than eight minutes per mile.

You will need to bring your fluids if there is no water available along your running routes. Consider using one of these fluid containers to hold your fluids while running. But if you’re participating in a race, you shouldn’t need to bring water because there will probably be water stations along the route.

Keep an eye on your footfall

Your foot can contact the ground in a variety of ways. You may touch down on your forefoot or toes, the middle of your foot, or your heel (front of the foot). Your foot strike is the manner in which your foot strikes the ground.

You might discover that you strike with your toes or your heels. Toe runners may have stiff calves if they land on their toes. Also, possible is shin soreness.

You are a heel striker if you land on your heels. This may indicate that you are over striding and taking longer than necessary steps. Energy may be lost, and potential harm may result.

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