Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124



Tips For Being An Awesome Swim Parent

The best gift you can give your child is swimming lessons, whether they are for a baby or a toddler. Your child will benefit from kids swimming lessons for a lifetime of health, enjoyment, and aquatic safety. However, attending a…

Is Open Water Swimming Good For You?

Why are so many people stepping out into open water to swim when it has become increasingly trendy to do so? People from all over the world now swim in lakes, oceans, and other open bodies of water. Let’s examine…

Do You Sweat When You Swim?

WHILE SWIMMING, DO YOU SWEAT? You might assume, “There is no way I can sweat in the water.” But if you ask any competitive swimmer, they’ll undoubtedly admit that they perspire in the water. Since I have been interested in…

Swimming as a Workout: It’s One of the Best

Given that everyone has unique abilities and strengths, designing a generic training program is challenging, but there are general principles that everyone can adhere to to ensure they’re on the right road. For those of you who are interested in…

16 Interesting Swimming Facts – Asflory Reader

Swimming is a well-liked all-around body builder for workout. In addition to being taught for therapeutic purposes, swimming is also used to teach those with physical disabilities how to swim. Here, we go through a few fascinating swimming-related facts and…

8 Benefits to Swimming

Benefits of swimming for health Regular swimming could increase your intelligence, mental health, and lung capacity, among other benefits. The NHS claims that include a weekly swim session in your training program will lower your risk of developing chronic diseases…

15 Biggest Running Mistakes You Can Make

Everyone makes blunders while running during training and competitions. This happens a lot when you first start running, in particular. It’s critical to understand what these running errors are and how to correct them because they can result in injuries…

How Much Water Should a Runner Drink?

Running and dehydration frequently go hand in hand, since our bodies can only withstand heat or a limited supply of water for so long. While we can go up to a month without food in a temperate area, we would…